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Orthopantomograhm OPG

OPG The orthopantomogram (also known as an orthopantomograph, panotomogram or an OPG) is a panoramic single image radiograph of the mandible, maxilla and teeth. It is often OPG encountered in dental practice and occasionally in the emergency department; providing a convenient, inexpensive and rapid way to evaluate the gross anatomy of the jaws and related pathology. Patient position During an OPG the patient remains in a stationary position (seated or standing) while both the x-ray source and film rotate in combination around the patient. The x-ray source rotates from one side of the jaw, around the front of the patient, and then to the other side of the jaw. The film rotates opposite to the x-ray source behind the patient. It takes a few seconds during which the patient must remain completely still. Technical factors panoramic projection paused respiration (departmentally dependent) centering point Frankfort's horizontal line is perpendicular to the f


Fluoroscopy- Fluoroscopy is a type of medical imaging that shows a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, much like an X-ray movie. During a fluoroscopy procedure, an X-ray beam is passed through the body. The image is transmitted to a monitor so the movement of a body part or of an instrument or contrast agent (“X-ray dye”) through the body can be seen in detail. Benefits/Risks Fluoroscopy is used in a wide variety of examinations and procedures to diagnose or treat patients. Some examples are: Barium X-rays and enemas (to view the gastrointestinal tract) Catheter insertion and manipulation (to direct the movement of a catheter through blood vessels, bile ducts or the urinary system) Placement of devices within the body, such as stents (to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels) Angiograms (to visualize blood vessels and organs) Orthopedic surgery (to guide joint replacements and treatment of fractures) Fluoroscopy carries some risks, as do other X-ray procedures. The

Cobalt 60 machine

Cobalt 60 is produced in a nuclear reactor by bombarding  59 Co with neutrons. It has a half life of 5.3 years and decays by negative beta emission to metastable  60 Ni. This rapidly releases a gamma ray of either 1.17 or 1.33 MeV to reach a stable state. The source typically has an activity of 185 – 370 MBq, giving a dose rate at 80 cm of 1 – 2 Gy/minute. The Cobalt 60 source is usually replaced before a single half life has elapsed. Gamma ray treatment machines are known as teletherapy units. The components of a cobalt-60 machine are: A radioactive source, in this case  60 Co, which is housed in a steel capsule. Source housing, which includes the primary beam collimator to prevent unwanted radiation emission. The source housing can also shift the source to allow gamma rays to exit the unit through the collimator aperture. A gantry (in isocentric machines) to allow the source to rotate around a fixed position. The SAD is usually 80 or 100 cm. The gantry is typically attached

Ultrasound scan

What is an ultrasound? An ultrasound scan is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live images from the inside of your body. It’s also known as sonography. The technology is similar to that used by sonar and radar, which help the military detect planes and ships. An ultrasound allows your doctor to see problems with organs, vessels, and tissues without needing to make an incision. Unlike other imaging techniques, ultrasound uses no radiation. For this reason, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. Why an ultrasound is performed Most people associate ultrasound scans with pregnancy. These scans can provide an expectant mother with the first view of her unborn child. However, the test has many other uses. Your doctor may order an ultrasound if you’re having pain, swelling, or other symptoms that require an internal view of your organs. An ultrasound can provide a view of the: bladder brain (in infants) eyes

Ct scan

  A computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan allows doctors to see inside your body. It uses a combination of X-rays and a computer to create pictures of your organs, bones, and other tissues. It shows more detail than a regular X-ray. You can get a  CT scan  on any part of your body. The procedure doesn't take very long, and it's painless. How Do CT Scans Work? They use a narrow X-ray beam that circles around one part of your body. This provides a series of images from many different angles. A computer uses this information to create a cross-sectional picture. Like one piece in a loaf of bread, this two-dimensional (2D) scan shows a “slice” of the inside of your body. This process is repeated to produce a number of slices. The computer stacks these scans one on top of the other to create a detailed image of your organs, bones, or  blood  vessels. For example, a surgeon may use this type of scan to look at all sides of a tumor to prepare for an operation. How Are C